24|06|18 //Candidates for the Youth European Championships announced

Luhmühlen:. On Sunday after the the completion of the German National Youth Championships the group responsible for youth nominations at the Deutschen Olympiade-Komitees für Reiterei (DOKR) announced the candidates for the European Championships in Fontainebleau in France (11 - 15 July). The following riders have been nominated (alphabetical order):

Young Riders (U21):

Antonia Baumgart (Düsseldorf/RHL) /Lamango, Emma Brüssau (Schriesheim/BAW) / Dark Desire GS and R Donnerstag, Hanna Knüppel (Warendorf/Kisdorf/SHO) / Carismo, Fritz Ludwig Lübbeke (Wingst/HAN) /Caramella, Hella Meise (Steinhagen/WEF) / First Flight's Beauty and Jerome Robiné (Warendorf/Darmstadt/HES) / Guccimo R. First reserve Anais Neumann (Nürmbrecht/RHL) / Inka van die Vrobiehoeve, second reserve Katharina Grupen (Brandis-Waldsteinberg/SAC) /Royal Favourite and third reserve Charlotte Whittaker (Ampfing/BAY) / Lady Brown .

Juniors (U18):

Calvin Böckmann (Lastrup/WES) / Altair de la Cense, Greta Busacker (Münster/WEF) / Coco Maurice, Alina Dibowski (Döhle/HAN) / Barbados, Anna-Lena Schaaf (Voerde/RHL) / Fairytale, Brandon Schäfer-Gehrau (Düsseldorf/RHL) / Fräulein Frieda and Josephine Schulze Bisping (Werne/WEF) / Abke’s Boy. First reserve is Kaya Thomsen (Lindewitt/SHO) / Casparls, second reserve Nina-Carlotta Meiners (Ganderkesee/WES) / Emmi M and third reserve Hella Jensen (Tetenhusen/SHO) / Luzi Caro.

Report: GE

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